Healthline News
April 6, 2018
“Direct Patient Access to Labs”
Patient portals now provide people with medical test results before they see their doctor. This helps inform, but it can also lead to anxiety or confusion.
Healthline News
February 15, 2018
“States Seeking Ways to Import Prescription Drugs from Canada”
Legislators in five states have introduced bills that would allow imported medications from Canada. They say it would save consumers money.
Rural Health Quarterly
January 28, 2018
“Rural Broadband Saves Lives”
The necessary broadband for telehealth is often not available in rural America[][1].
Healthline News
January 26, 2018
“Should All Women Be Tested for Breast, Ovarian Cancer Gene Mutations?”
Researchers say testing women age 30 and over would reduce the number of breast and ovarian cancer cases.
CQ Researcher
January 19, 2018
“Future of Puerto Rico”
Puerto Rico is still reeling from two devastating hurricanes last September and an 11-year recession, which have renewed a bitter debate over the U.S. territory's political status.
Rural Health Quarterly
August 1, 2017
“Community Health Workers Face A Changing Landscape”
Hospitals are hiring community health workers to help improve quality of care, but CHWs are worried.
CQ Researcher
July 21, 2017
“Medical Marijuana”
Americans overwhelmingly approve of medical marijuana, but research has not kept up with changing norms and laws.
CQ Researcher
April 21, 2017
“High-Tech Policing”
Controversial new technologies are transforming how police pursue suspects, monitor suspicious activity and seek to deter crime.
CQ Researcher
January 6, 2017
“Trump Presidency”
Donald Trump rode a populist wave to the presidency. An assessment two weeks before his inauguration.
CQ Researcher
October 28, 2016
“Sports Betting”
Americans spend billions of dollars a year betting on sports, the vast majority of it illegally. But there is a growing debate over whether sports betting should be legalized.
September 21, 2016
“Is the 5-second rule for dropped food safe?”
Researchers say the answer is “no!”
CQ Researcher
June 17, 2016
“Coal Industry’s Future”
The coal industry is getting crushed as power plants turn to cheap, cleaner natural gas and zero-emissions solar and wind power.
CQ Researcher
April 22, 2016
“Managing Western Lands”
A quiet rebellion is seeking to force the federal government to relinquish public land to Western states.
CQ Researcher
January 22, 2016
"Fighting Cancer"
Scientists caution that cancer is not just one disease amenable to a single cure but rather more than 100 complex and related diseases, many of which have defied decades of experimental treatments.